Levitra Side Effects+ Interaction (Top voted first)


Dear Sir,
i have been prescribed Levitra for premature ejaculation by my urologist.But i am hesitating to take it,as i am taking some others drugs such as:Lepitor+Tritace+Omnic0.4 and mostly what made me hesitant to take Levitra is Concor 5.As we know,Concor 5 is used to drop blood pressure and Levitra is in another way droping the blood pressure by concentrating the blood into the penis... so it makes me afraid that a sharp drop of blood pressure would occur(that's my point of view).Is it logical my analysis of the situation or not,and on another hand,the warnings displayed in the Levitra leaflet make me also reticent to take this drug. Thank You in advance for your reply

2 Replies

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Dear Doc,
As it is said about Tamsulosin making interaction with Levitra...I think that when taking Levitra ,Tamsulosin should be discontinued for ALL THE DAY if the 6 hours of interval are not sufficient and constraining me to watch symptoms of droping blood pressure.Is that logical as a way of precaution?
Many Thanks

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I ran a check for interactions and it's actually not the Bisoprolol in the Concor that you have to worry about here, it doesn't have any interactions listed between it and the Levitra.

The problem drug in your list that can cause hypotension, when used with the Levitra is the Tamsulosin in the Omnic that you are taking.

They can be used by the same person, but should not be taken within 6 hours of each other and the person must know to watch for the symptoms of low blood pressure, such as: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and breathing difficulties.

As to the warnings about Levitra, all medications carry the risk of causing side effects, so Levitra, in that respect is no different from anything else you are taking.

It's common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, runny nose and priapism.

Here are links to more information on all of your medications:






As to your premature ejaculation, has your doctor looked into what is causing it?

There are several medications you are taking that could be causing the problem, so a solution could be as simple as changing to a different medication. It could be cause by the Bisoprolol, Ramipril or the Lipitor. There is also a possibility that it's the combination of them.

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