Kenalog Destroys (Page 2)
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I had one epidurals of kenalog that destroyed my life. Three days after I couldn't sleep relax or rest. My heart was pounding my muscle were weak terrible cramps in arms and legs ears very sanative to noise whole body filled with fluid . Utterly confused very anxious. This carried on for 3 months till I collapsed and ended up in hospital doctors were useless. I carried on getting worse eight month after I had steroid myopathy electrolytes problems stomach bowels tendon damaged problems fibromyalgia I didnt never had before or wouldn't of if I had no had the kenalog. I now suffer numerous terrible long term health problems that effect my whole body and my husband is my carer as I can no longer take care of myself.I would like to speak to anyone else who has had similar problems cause by kenalog I feel so alone know this has destroyed my life.

28 Replies (2 Pages)

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I don't suppose they care that drugs cause more problems than they help unless you sue them .

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I have a horrible time with drugs made by KVK Tech Inc. Turns out there are thousands of people who have the same problem.

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I hope so , but with any drug there are always risks.

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They probably won't stop making it, but they might improve it or fix it, so that they can keep it on the market or don't end up in court.

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Done it thanks , but I can't see it stoping them manufacturing the drug others will probly suffer from it's effects.

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I would think so, because it's made in US, right?

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I live in the uk can will I still be able to report it?

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sha, Did you report the problems you had to the FDA? They have a website, select make a report, then report by customer/patient. It's important to let them know when there's a problem going on.

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