How Long Does Gabapentin Stay In The Urine? (Page 2)
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I was given a couple 400mg gabapentins from a friend for some migraines, I took them but found out that I will be having a drug screen and am worried that these pills can be detected, so please could someone let me know whether or not I'm worrying for nothing or if I have something to worry about, thanks

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Tardive dyskinesia is a disorder that involves involuntary movements. Many drugs can cause these jerky movements and tics, especially prozac, benedryl, pain meds and others Sometimes the movements don't go away even if the drugs are stopped. Some people get jerky mouth movements. Read ALL the side effects before taking a drug.

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It definitely is able to be abused.. i for one know this from personal experience. I never knew about them until i got with my boyfriend and he gave me a few of his moms 800 milligram ones. They for sure give you a buzz and kinda make you feel luke your drunk and you start swerving. They speed you. We always made jokes about it calling each other gabby cause we could always tell when one of us had took even just one. They do however have side effects that are kinda scary. For instance, sometimes when i would be talking my jaw would jerk and my words would stutter out of my mouth for no reason, my body would randomly jerk, and i would have a hard time sleeping when i took them but it was also hard to sleep when i didnt take them. It almost became an addiction.

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Please get a doctor to verify your renal function. Gabiapentin should be out of your system completely after two days. People with poor renal function can hold it up to 30 days. Please get this checked out.

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Just wanted to let you know that when i went to my pain management doctor about 3 weeks ago they gave me a urine test, they were testing me to make sure i was taking my oxycodones like i should be plus they were testing me for other drugs that i am not prescribed and my test came back with nerotin/gabapentin and they asked me who prescribed me this medication and i had to tell them that i went to the emergency room about a year ago and i still have a few left that i take now and then....truth be told i had gotten a few from a friend and took 2 600mgs 2 weeks before this urine test and with all the water and everything under the sun i had drank i did not think it would show up, however it did, so my doctor told me not to take anymore or i would be released, so i just wanted to let you know it had been 2 weeks before i went in for my tests and it still showed up after just taking 2 600mgs. Good Luck!

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Depending on which state you reside in, some do test for Gapabetin. I love in Eastern Kentucky and I know of many doctors offices that now include it in their tests despite it being a non-narcotic drug. It has the capacity for abuse if enough is taken.

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How long does it stay in your system, where I get my drug screens it showed up but they test for everything how many days does it take to get out of my system from taking it for a week or 2?

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When u say half life is 5- 7 hours is that per mlg. I'm confused

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The Gabapentin elimination half-life is 5 to 7 hours, so giving yourself a few days should put you in the clear. (of course don't quote me on that 100% since everybody is different and I don't know what test you will be getting). At any rate, if you are still very concerned have you thought about getting a temporary prescription for it from a doctor? With a valid script, even if drug test results come back positive, you can show that you are taking it legitimately.

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Thanks you very much David, I really appreciate you getting back to me as fast as you did. Thanks again...

If anyone else out there has a response please let me know, thanks.

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If you've given yourself at least a few days, odds are that it's less likely to show up under any sort of urine, saliva, or blood test. What's more risky in my opinion, is the opportunity for a false-positive to show up. Where as it can sometimes show that you took something completely different and then you're left trying to explain yourself.

The good thing is since most standard drug screens test for illicit drugs, controlled medications, and medications with a high potential for abuse, I highly doubt it will be tested for. Gabapentin is not a controlled substance nor is it an opioid.

Does anyone else have any thoughts or opinions regarding this?

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