Discovered A Benzo Derivative Called Tofisopam (Top voted first)


Whilst researching treatments for depressive disorder I came across a benzo analogue called Tofisopam. It's not prescribed in the UK or indeed in many countries but it sounds as though it may be a helpful med for certain social anxieties. It also has a mild stimulatory action which would be helpful in combatting lethargy often associated with depression, anxiety and low mood.

I gather that it is classed as an Atypical form of benzo because it does not cause sedation or drowsiness but effectively combats feelings of anxiousness. It is also not thought to be habit forming and there is no evidence of tolerance building.

It sounds too good to be true. A tablet which performs all the actions you would wish of it without any of the ill effects usually associated with other drugs of similar class intended for a similar purpose.

I have grown too curious not to try them out. I just wonder why they are not utilized, if they are as effective as is claimed. It doesn't make sense. So, I have to research this!

Has anyone anywhere heard of Tofisopam?

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Interesting! I had not, their brand names were Grandaxin and Emandaxin and it was made in 1970 in Hungary I guess?

This makes it sound like it is (or could be) used to treat gout? Maybe I am reading it wrong.

Anyway, I will be asking my provider about it when I see her next month. Thanks for the info!

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The NIH also has information available on Tofisopam here.

It is approved for use in a couple European countries, but not the U.S.

As to why it isn't available everywhere, the reasons can vary, it may not be considered to be proven effective, it may have questionable side effects, it might be too similar to something else that has already been approved, the manufacture may not have paid for the proper full testing, or etc. It's hard to be sure, you'd have to really dig into the details to find the answer.

Does anyone else know anything about this medication?

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