Clindamycin Forums (Page 3)

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Well mines expired in August 2017. Can i still use it to clear up a tooth infection that i had before. I had an infection in one tooth and its gone. Now i have another infection in another tooth which they prescribe me with the same medicine its just 5 months old. The date on the bottle is August 2017. ## I also wanted to say that they are capsules that are light blue and light green and have rx692 written on them. Once again they expired August 28th 2017. Can i still use them to rid of this tooth infection. ## If there's anybody out there that has been thru this plse help and share your experience with me. I need guidance. Plse reply soon. Thank you. This is connected to my other 2 post that i have written up above. ## According to FDA reports, this medication does not become dange...

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I have some clindamycin capsules from a year and 5 months ago, are they still good? ## Clindamycin loses effectiveness over time, which is why it has an expiration date of 1 year, once dispensed. After that time period, it may not completely clear up and infection and this creates the risk of developing antibiotic resistant bacteria. Have you consulted your doctor to get a new prescription? ## can I use outdated (2010) clindamycin 150 mg to treat a UTI infection? should I double up on the dosage since they loose their potiency please reply I have no health ins at the time and I know its a uti took a home test plus im almost 60 years old and have battled these things for years ## No you can´t. That medication has most likely lost any effect it once had ## You might try calling your ...

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for infection:bronchitis ## There are a few drugs that contain Clindamycin as the active chemical. You might want to check out Cleocin Info, as it is a name for Clindamycin. ## I am taking 300 MG Clindamycin HCL for an abscessed tooth ( abscess is in the root area of the tooth) for 48 hours. Dosage; 1 capsule every 6 hours and initially instructed to take 2 capsules immediately. So far I am still experiencing a high degree of pain and there appears to be little if any reduction in my discomfort. How long does or should it take for the pain to subside? Also, is this a good medication for my medical problem? ## I also take Clindamycin hcl 300mg the pink pill dan3120) i take 3 pill a day for my gum infection i suppose to take it for 10 day but so far i take it for 8 day already and still d...

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light green and light blue - oblong capsule ## clindamycin ## Is the marking possibly RX 692? If so, Dan is correct, it is manufactured by Sun Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 150mgs of Clindamycin, which is an antibiotic that is used to treat bacterial infections. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea.

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Does Clindamycin work for an abscessed tooth and when will the pain stop? My tooth hurts so bad and I don't have insurance to cover the cost. I only work part time. ## Hello, Cali! How are you? It may work, if it does, you should notice an improvement after taking it for a full 3 days. However, the issue is that it is not going to correct the underlying problem that caused the infection and it is going to end up returning. So, you still need to have the tooth taken care of by your dentist. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have a nasty bridge that needs to be removed. One tooth under needs to be extracted. I have to wait about 3 weeks ti start this process and until then, am in a bit of disco...

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It is a pink & gray capsule, inscription reads dan 5708. have no clue what it is... ## I just found this is actually Clindamyacin 150mg. ## Just found a pill in my gradson room Dan 5708. would like to know what it is and what it is used for .It is a pink and gray pill ## This tablet is now manufactured by Watson Pharmaceuticals, and they list it as containing 150mgs of Clindamycin, just as was previously stated. It is used to treat, or prevent bacterial infections. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this antibiotic as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, and non-allergic skin rash. And yes, even when you start to feel better, you should finish all of them, unless your doctor instructs otherwise. Stopping too soon could cause you to develop drug resistant ...

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I had a gum OP mid-November 2013 and was given Clindamycin 300mg for 5 days and anti-inflammatory tablets. My tongue turned black but no more symptoms. 16.12. 13 I had the next gum OP and was given the same medication. I had slight stomach problems on the 5th day and when I the course was finished, on the 6th day hell broke lose: diarrhea, stomach cramps, I felt very low in energy, slept a lot. On the 24.12.13 I went to the pharmacist and was told that I should haven taken a stomach protector as Clindamycin 300 mg is a very strong doses, especially in connection with anti-inflammatory medication. The dentist says that protector was not necessary as I had no previous stomach or intestine problems. End-January when the protectors given to me by the pharmacist did not really work, I went t...

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i was told that you can put the contents of what is inside a clindamycin capsule into a facial toner or cleanser and that this will help your acne clear up. it did work for me. but will expired clindamycin capsules work the same way? will it have side effects even if you just apply it on your face and not take it orally? ## Yes, it can still cause some side effects, though they are usually minimal, since you don't absorb a lot of it, but you could still experience nausea, diarrhea, non-allergic skin rash and skin irritation. In addition, you are creating the risk of developing antibiotic resistance, which may make them much less effective in the future. Have you tried just consulting your doctor to get something specifically formulated for topical use? ## I take Clindamycin prior to...

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I began taking this medication on Sunday by Monday my jaw line and neck were swollen soo bad.. Went back to ER because I became worried he said that the medicine was fine.. It is now day 4 and I am still so swollen on my jaw tooth still tender and my throat is so sore from the swelling and itching.. Am scared at this point but not sure what else to do.. ## Has there been any change, yet? The general rule for antibiotics, according to NIH studies, is that if they are working, you shouldn't see any worsening after taking them for a full 24 hours, and you should start to see improvement after taking it for a full 3 days. If there is no change, by that point, it might not be the right antibiotic to help you. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness,...

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I am now taking clindamycin for an infection and I have just come down with hives on my face. Can I take benadryl for the hives? ## According to the University of Maryland Medical Center ( / drug interaction tool), there are no interactions listed between Clindamycin and Benadryl. This doesn't necessarily mean that no interactions exist, so it may still be in your best interest to ask your doctor first, but I haven't found any information suggesting that it's unsafe to take the two together... I hope you get around to making a full recovery soon! Please post back if you have any updates on how things are going.

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Is it used for an infection? Sore throat? ## Can you take clindamycin for a sore throat? ## Clindamycin is an antibiotic that's used to treat or prevent infections. If the sore throat is caused by an infection, it can help eradicate the bacteria that have caused it, but it will not treat a condition such as cold or flu. Learn more Clindamycin details here. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Are there any comments or questions? ## I am spitting out green phlegm. I believe I have an infection. Is clindamycin HCL 150mg a good antibiotic to take for this type of infection?

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Tomorrow, I will be finished with a 10-day prescription of Clindamycin for a severe bacterial infection following a root canal. I noticed, long after I was taking them that the RX had one refill of another 10-day (3x daily) bottle. I called my dentist's office today and spoke only to the receptionist (long time grown woman - not a kid) and asked if that was an error at the pharmacy or were I to have it refilled and take it for another 10 days. She said yes and that was without hesitation, and I asked twice. The pharmacist at the drugstore agreed that a 10-day RX was unusual. My dentist is closed Friday through Sunday (and tomorrow is Friday). Is this typical - or was a mistake made? My infection 100% better (tennis ball size swelling just about gone, and I think I'll live. I mis...

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I am taking clindamycin for a leg infection and would like to take alka seltzer plus cold and flu. Is it safe to take them both? ## It is, unless your doctor has told you not to do so. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, diarrhea, and drowsiness. Is there anything else I can help with? ## No that answered my question thank you!!! I appreciate you responding back I just wanted to be sure it was safe to take them both together before I did it ## How long before clindymicin 300 mg is out of my system?

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What is the name of a capsule that is red and turquoise with 3171 on the turquoise side and G & W on the red side? ## A blue and red capsule imprinted with "GW; 3171" is reportedly identified as Clindamycin HCL 150mg; used for treating a variety of bacterial infections. For verification, the manufacturer is listed as G & W Laboratories and the pill itself carries a National Drug Code of 0713-3171-01. Furthermore, the capsule is said to be 19 mm in size. You can also click on the NDC link for more information. I hope this helps!

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I was prescribed an antibiotic called clindamycin 300MG capsules for cellulitis in my left lower leg I am a Little bit confused about what times take my medication I have taken one at 9 AM and I think in the next one at 3 PM I would like to know what are the best times to take this medication on time and I like to know what are the best times to take them ## There are no real best times, you should just remain consistent and be sure take them as close to 6 hours apart as possible. So, for example, 9am, 3pm, 9pm, and 3am, or whatever times are appropriate. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, and non-allergic skin rash. Is there anything else I can help with?

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I have just had dental surgery in mexico and this is the antibiotic they prescribed it is 300 mg. contains 21 capsules in a pink blister pack generic for Clindamicina . made in mexico for Siegfried Rhein . dosage take one every 12 hours. ## Sounds like Clindamicina translates to the American name Clindamycin. ## I had dental surgery in Mexico and they gave me this med to take. I have a terrible and painful infection. I wonder if this is being helpful. ## Vancondicyn stronger than Clendix or Clindamicina? Can either fight Cellulitis? which is best? ## Is it common to have hair loss when taking Actonel 35mg. Are there any side effects I should watch for ? ## I also had dental work done across the boarder. I was prescribed Clendix 300MG but the Mexican pharmasist substituted Clindanicina. ...

21 REPLIES Updated

My boyfriend was taking this drug and he had nausea and pain in his chest on the right side last night. He stopped taking the medication and is still feeling that pain but not a severe like last night, could this be because of this medication? He his a healthy man and never had any kinds of medical problems before. We called the dentist and informed us that if the pain persists to contact Dr. I'm a little worried because I want to know how serious this is because you know men!!! HARDHEADED.....!!!!! UNLESS IS LIFE THREATENING HE WON'T GO TO HOSPITAL.... Please Help. ## He should consult a regular doctor, chest pain that lingers like that is nothing to mess around with. It may be nothing, but it could be a developing heart problem, it may or may not have been triggered by the med...

7 REPLIES Updated

I ended up going to the ER because the whole side of my face was swollen , and I was in excruciating pain. When I sAw the doctor, he prescribed me (Clindamycin) 300 mg for my tooth infection. Everything was going good on the first day. I had no swelling, in my face anymore and the pain was subsiding. When the second day came around my stomach started to hurt and feel weird. I was tired, less active then usual, So I slept most of the day. Third day! All of a sudden when I woke up In the morning, the side of my face was swollen all over again and here I thought. Oh NO! (" Back To Square One Again.") not only was my face a concern because of the swelling , but now I started to see a minor rash forming my face as well . {WHAT A NIGHTMARE!}and then when dinner time comes later in tha...

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Can two antibiotics be used at the same time? My husband was prescribed Metronidazole 250mg (1pill 3x's a day) and Clindamycin 150mg (2 pills -3x's a day) for a foot infection. ## Those both aren't actually in the same classification. The Clindamycin is an antibiotic, but the Metronidazole is actually an antifungal medications. They are commonly used together, because many people on antibiotics end up getting yeast infections as a side effect. Learn more: ## Can clindamycin be used with azithromycin 250mg? I took the clindamycin this morning at 9am and my doctor wants me to take the other now.

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So the question I have is I have an infection on or in my gum and have 300mg of clindamycin antibiotic, now I was wondering if that can be mixed with oxycodone 30mg which I take about say 3 a day. will that have a side effect or cause a problem mixing the antibiotic with a oxycodone? ## I am not finding any interactions, or problems listed between using them together, but you should check with your doctor or pharmacist to be certain. However, it is very common for an antibiotic to be given for an infection, along with something to treat associated pain. You may experience side effects from the Clindamycin that can include: nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with? ## I took the two of them and now i have major heartburn m...

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