Cholestyramine And Joint Pain (Top voted first)


I have taken this med for almost 2 years now and have been having a lot of joint pain. Anyone else experience this? It really helps my stomach but the joint pain is getting bad.

3 Replies

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Hi nickel,

Sorry to hear about your situation. 2 years is a long time to take something without experiencing any adverse reactions. According to DailyMed (NIH), musculoskeletal side effects such as muscle/joint pain, backache, & arthritis are all listed as known side effects of Cholestyramine.


As the case with many medications, the decision to continue treatment may boil down to determining whether the benefits of Cholestyramine outweigh its side effects.

I hope you find relief soon!

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

i followed up with my doctor and found out i have a autoimmune disease, that is what is causing my joint pain, etc. nothing to do with cholestramine.

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Re: nickel (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

The cholostrymine depletes your body of vitamin k. Vitamin K is the carrier for calcium and bring it to the bone. After 2 years of using this medicine I found out I have osteopenia in my hips and calcification in my aorta. Both were not there before taking this med. I'm 44

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