Can You Take Keflex An Methadone (Top voted first)


i have some keflex left over from an infection my husband had but i take methadone 10mg tablets 3 -3 times per day so 90 mg. daily for back pain can i take the keflex 500mg. for my toothache i can't see my dentist till tuesday this is friday would like to try to get infection under control so the pain will decrease an possibly have it removed when i see dentist on tuesday

10 Replies

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What are health pills? I too am on methadone and just wanted to know what they are so that I don't take them

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The "hinge " issue you're describing is called TMJ, which is usually caused by grinding your teeth at night or a misaligned jaw bone. According to a health article I read, states that antibiotics are only good for one year max.

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I am on 135 mg of liquid methadone a day and was prescribed Keflex 500 mg a couple of weeks ago for an abscessed tooth, and I didn't have any issues with mixing the two. I hope your recovery from the bladder surgery goes well! :-)

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I'm on 145 methadone daily at clinic,that antibiotic has never bothered the net. Do be careful of health pills it Will put u in immediate withdrawal

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I also am dealing with toothache...filkng came out in top and bottom tooth on same side...akso on same side I have an issue with my jaw ...its out if alignment....and has progressively gotten worse starting with a mild prob. Almost 4 years ago....if I open mouth to wide it locks up and won't close all the pops out of place, VERY painful but I put it back myself by working it around. Finally this SAME side is only side I chew with for last several years Cuz all back chewing teeth have been pulled EXCEPT 2 back teeth that the fillings fell out of...AND NOW I been having pain in ear on that side and, trouble hearing Cuz it sounds like I hear myself , loud hurts and feels like pressure or like when ear won't pop on matter of fact last time I flew was excruciating while landing....felt like the pressure was CRUSHING my jaw at hinge question: What was that about? And I too found 3 ur old script of I take these ASAP since I also can't get in dentist soon?

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I take 130 msg. Of methadone daily and just had bladder surgery and have ended up with a upper respitory infection. My doctor gave me 30 500 mg keflex is it safe to take together

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Will I be ok if I take my methadone with my keflex I'm only on 40 mg methadone from the clinic I jus don't wanna get super sick or die form the interaction ty

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I'm in the same boat as you. Was it safe for u to take them together?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I go to a methadone clinic and was given a list of drugs that can't be taken with methadone and keflex is on the list cheak with your doctor.

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I didn't find any interactions or problems listed between the 2 medications, but you might want to check with a pharmacist, or doctor to be sure.

Learn more Keflex details here.

The main problem to worry about is the fact that you only have part of a prescription, so while it may be enough to start helping, it might not be enough to completely eradicate the infection, which could result in your developing antibiotic resistant bacteria.

This could also happen if you aren't really dealing with an infection. You really need to see your dentist, to have them confirm the presence of an infection and prescribe a full course of antibiotics, if there is.

Are there any other comments or questions?

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