Can Latisse Backfire? (Page 4)
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I used Latisse successfully for several months & loved the look. But then my lashes started to fall out, leaving me with short stubby ones less full than when I began the latisse. Does anyone know if it stops working, or the body gets resistant to it, or have any of you had the same reaction? Thanks.

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Hello all, I have noticed a decline in the effectiveness of my Latisse (ok, I use careprost but it is the same active ingredient). Anyway, after having amazing results for two years, over a period of time I have noticed shorter lashes than the initial treatment. Maybe I'd forgotten just how short they were in the first place.

I changed face washes that didn't require me to use an oily mascara remover. I have noticed my eyes are dryer...might be an issue with the latisse too.

Change in hormones may also be an issue. My whole body is experiencing new adventures every day it seems. So why not the lashes?

I saw a youtube video from a woman who said she stopped using it every night and went to 2 times a week. Then she noticed the initial wonderful growth she had at first. So I'm going to try that. And it will save on the expense of the product!

I'm also going to try to add vitamin e oil or another conditioning oil to my eyelids to help the lashes stay conditioned.

Thanks to all of you who've posted. It's wonderful to be able to talk out what works and what doesn't.

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So I have been posting a few below and I thought I'd give an update. I have been using Lumigan (half the strength of Latisse and half the price) and I am VERY pleased with the result. I have been using it since Jan 2014 and it is now Aug 2014 and my once sparse lashes are now thicker and fuller, especially with mascara. They are so long they almost reach my eyebrows. I am very pleased with the result and will continue using Lumigan after being so disappointed with Latisse. I almost think it is better that it is half the strength of Latisse, maybe it is not so hard on your lashes?

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I've recently experienced the same problem with Latisse after two years of success. I'd like to hear what Allergan (the manufacturer) has to say about this. I can find no mention of it on their website.

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I've been using it for about two years plus and have noticed the same thing. I stopped using it for about 6 months after I noticed no growth. Started back about 3 months ago and still nothing. I was wondering if it doesn't work anymore after using it for 2 years?

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So now it is March 13 and I do notice a difference with Lumigan. My eyelashes have filled out more, especially the left side which was VERY thin. I know it's not just the regular 6 week cycle of growth because my eyelashes had been thinning for quite some time before this. I don't think you can post photos on this site but I did do a comparison before and after photo and saw a difference in my lashes. I am going to continue using Lumigan, I don't think the strength difference between Lumigan and Latisse makes a difference and it's at least half the price.

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here is an update from my Nov 23 post. I am still using Biosil but I think my problem may be related to menopause. My eyelashes again started getting sparse, especially on the left side, even bare patches. Very distressing. So I convinced my family doctor to prescribe "Lumigan" a sister product to Latisse. It is about half the price ($77) but also half the strength, although some comments on the internet (medical sites) said the strength doesn't make any difference. I have been using the Lumigan for 2 1/2 weeks now and am taking pics at the end of each week to see if there is any progress. I will try and remember to post when I notice a difference.

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I started using latisse 2 months ago faithfully and my eyelashes appear to have stopped growing all together. In fact, the bottom lashes are shorter at a millimeter. Has anyone ever heard of latisse having the opposite effect?

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Thanks for the info on Biosil. I'm going to stop on my way home from work and pick some up. It sounds like an excellent certainly can't hurt!

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An update on my last post, I stopped using the Latisse I was using as I noticed it had expired 6 months earlier, my eyelashes were getting sparse and even bare in some spots. So I stopped using it and started taking " Biosil" a vitamin that says it helps to grow hair and nails. My eyelashes started growing in again and they are back to normal, maybe even slightly thicker, not as thick as when the Latisse was working but definitely better than when the Latisse had stopped working and was making my eyelashes fall out. I am going to try Latisse again (a fresh bottle) to see if indeed it still works on me.

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Same thing. I used it for about a year and had beautiful long lashes, then one day I noticed that my lashes were thinning and wouldn't curl. I stopped using it for about 6 months thinking that maybe my lashes needed a break. I'm now starting up again and I hope that my lashes will grow........ I'll let you know what happens.

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the same thing is happening to me, I used Latisse for about a year or so, got good (not great) results. I stopped for a few months then noticed my eyelashes got REALLY thin, thinner then when I began Latisse. I thought that maybe I didn't realize how thin my eyelashes were before I began so I began using Latisse again. My eyelashes are still as thin and even bare in some spots. HELP!

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Latisse stopped working on me after about a year. I heard if you stop using everyday and just twice a week it will start to be effective again. Something about your body being used it. I'm going to stop using as often and see if that works.

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Same thing happened to me. Amazing, beautiful long lashes, at first, then after a couple of years, they are growing in weird directions, are shorter and are impossible to curl. What is going on?

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i have just recently noticed my lashes have thinned and are shorter after using Latisse for about 2 years. Lashes do gow through a growth and fall out phase but even when I started new growth, it seems the new lashes never reached the maximum lenghth and then fell out. Any solutions -

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I've had the exact same problem but cannot find much info on the subject from my Dr- who I think is not profit motivated to assist me with this. First I grew wonderful long thick lashes for like a year, then suddenly everything reversed and my lashes are weak and short....seems to improve if I stop the lattisse but I which the manufacturer would make a recommendation regarding this

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I'm wondering also if the Lattise just stops working? I am still using the Latisse (about a year now) but lately my lashes seem to have gone back to the original lengths & less lashes than i had before with sparse areas? whats going on...does it stop working?

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It is normal for your body to eventually get used to any type of medication you are using, even a topical one and it may stop working as well as it once did.

The warnings in the product information also say that other changes in hair growth may occur and though it is rare, this could involve shorter or less lashes.

Some drugs don't work at all, in some people and in some they can have the opposite of the effect intended. Have you talked to your doctor about the issue?

Discontinuation of the product should result in your eyelashes returning to normal in a few weeks.


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Same thing happened to me - I am wondering if this is a bad batch of Latisse - how would one know until eyelashes stop growing or fall out?

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