Blood Clots And Othro Novum 7/7/7 (Top voted first)


Has anyone taken othro novum 7/7/7 and suffered blood clots and pulmonary embolisms?

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The possibility of blood clots is always present with the use of any hormonal birth control tablet and is warned about in the medication monographs. This is why, if someone has suffered from previous clotting problems, a doctor will not prescribe them or if someone develops one, while on them, a doctor will take them off of the medication.

Other side effects may include: nausea, headache and weight gain.

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I've gained a tremendous amount of weight since being on warfarin and I need diet to help jumpstart weight loss. Any suggestions?

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Radiance, have you discussed this with your doctor?

In light of your health, you should always check with them to make sure that any adjustments to your diet or exercise level are going to be safe for you.

As to actually losing weight, the only real safe way to do it is by following a good diet, that is low in fat and calories and getting proper exercise. Radical fad diets aren't safe and cause most people to rebound, when they finally stop doing them, and just gain the weight back.


You also have to be careful that the diet stays healthy, so you are getting proper nutrition, while doing it. It may be necessary to add a multivitamin supplement or something, to ensure that you don't cause yourself more health problems, if you are cutting down on your food intake to lose weight.

As an example, a friend of mine is a vegetarian and she wants to lose some weight, however, taking in the proper amount of nutrients in a day is always a concern, when you are on a limited diet. So, she's added a pretty potent multivitamin to her daily regimen and used a BMI calculator to discover the minimum safe number of calories she should consume in a day, to lose about a pound a week. Most of these calculators will also warn you not to try and eat less than a certain number of calories in a day, because that is how much your body needs to function properly.

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