Betametasona Clotrimazol Gentamicina For Molluscum
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I think I have molluscum. Long story short it first came out on my penis. I thought nothing of it but it's been months and I popped a little bump on my penis and more came out. It spread I would say, and then months passed by. I found out the chick I had sex with had a skin condition and I had unprotected sex and I thought ok I'm good because at first nothing and then it's been months and now I can see. I did some research and it seems to be Molluscum. I haven't went to the doctors and got checked for anything and I know molluscum is treatable and can go away by itself but I'd rather not wait, and since my mom barely gets anytime off work I already told her to take me to the doctors and she'll see when. So I'd rather not wait without trying anything. So I did some research of things I could try, creams or something and I found this cream in my cabinet. I read that 1% Clotrimazole or Clotrimazol has helped some people with molluscum. I don't know yet what it is but my research all came to molluscum. I'm waiting to get checked and get actual answers but till then I'm wondering if I could use the cream I found in my cabinet (Betametasona/Clotrimazol/Gentamicina)? I saw it had Clotrimazol so why not give it a try? I put it on "pimples" on my face that I never had before. They just barely started coming out which is one sign that leads to molluscum, but I'm trying to see if it would actually help. I tried it on my face first and if I see a change I'm going to try it on my penis on the area where there's bumbs. I just want to know if it's safe or if I should be aware of anything? I've only applied it to my face where I see some pimples and where I can see really small dots.

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