Antacids With No Artificial Sugars (Top voted first)


I have nighttime acid reflux mostly. The ranitidine works to keep my acid lower but I get very vivid dreams. I try occasional Gaviscon but all these antacids with artificial sugars give me bad gas and are bad for you. They say tums and other antacids would taste too chalky w/o the sorbitol? Too much baking soda is bad for your kidneys... PPIs are generally bad for you. My head is elevated and I don't have any food or drinks for 3 hrs. before bed. Any ideas on a safe antacid for nighttime GERD?

3 Replies

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Thank-you for reply! I have the ACV and Manuka honey so i will maybe start a daily try of these together. Can I ask, at what time did yr dad take this? did he take everyday or just after a meal when needed? Thank-you for suggestion!

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Re: trish (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Trish,

My pleasure! I just recall my dad suffering from horrible acid reflux and everything you're doing is what he did as well, so it caught my attention.

He usually took his dose of ACV and manuka honey immediately after meals ( but particularly made a point of having it after larger meals in the evening).

He also supplemented with a "green drink" (Healthforce Vitamineral Greens) in the morning before meals, although I don't know what impact this may have had throughout the day in conjunction w/ the ACV + manuka.

He's always been a TUMS / Prilosec kinda guy, so to see him try a natural remedy that worked was a blessing.

I wish you much success and look forward to reading any updates you might have down the road :)

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Hi Trish,

Sorry to hear about your condition with GERD. My dad has a similar problem and also doesn't eat or drink a few hours before bedtime. He was also searching for an alternative and I found a natural product containing apple cider vinegar and raw manuka honey that solves his acidity/reflux every time without fail. Just 1 spoonful is all he needs for immediate relief. At the moment, I don't recall the name of this product, but I believe if you take these two ingredients together, the results seem promising - and there are no artificial byproducts to be concerned of.

Hope this helps!

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