Adderall Ir/xr Comedown *sleep Issues*eating*
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I absolutely love the comedown almost as much as the initial effects. No matter how much in overall quantity I take, whether through the day/night or a at once. I just lay, sit, or do things when the comedown hits, and end up staring at anything and everything unintentionally. And if I don't try to focus, an excessive euphoria sinks in and shifts my view, almost as if on a trip of some sort, but I can shut it off and turn it on in a snap. People that complain about the Adderall comedown are a little on the closed-minded side of you ask me. The more you focus on hating/not wanting to come down, the more negative your body takes the reaction, not saying there aren't cases where it genuinely sucks for some people. But even on just 20mg, which doesn't make me very euphoric, the comedown is amazing. I guess I'm the exception to all of the negatives I've ever heard. People have said during the peak that they can't:

-get anxious

I'm the opposite. The trick to taking Adderall?: Even when I dosed 150mg within 2 hours sublingually (dissolving under tongue/in mouth with IR pills), I still ate. Everything at first, until you have finally eaten something on one occurrence of using Adderall, will seem unappealing. You have to just make yourself eat something. Anything. My choice was sunflower seeds. Anything small that won't be too much at one time is perfect. Just make yourself do it. Right after, I wasn't necessarily hungry per say, but I just kept eating, and eating, and eating. And everything was so much more flavorful and fulfilling. After just one time of eating, you will more than likely always want to eat and/or experience the munchies on Adderall.

Sleeping on Adderall for me us incredible. I can lay down, get comfortable, close my eyes, flip a switch in my mind, (think of the word "sleep" calmly and patiently), next thing I know, I'm immediately in a dream where I'm in complete control of everything I do. I can make myself go anywhere, have anything, be with anyone, drive a Ferrari, be fighting Muhammad Ali, anything. Literally. OR be completely asleep, not dream, but be constantly aware of and hear everything around me while sleeping like a baby. And when I'm ready to wake up, whether I'm dreaming or not, I just tell myself in my dream or mentally if not dreaming to wake up, and I do.

Again, the comedown for me is great, yes, I experience euphoria during peak concentration levels, and it's great, but the come down last for 3-6 hours for me and it's, again, great. After the comedown, I experience no withdrawals, no matter if it's weeks till I take Adderall again, no anxiety, pain, moodiness, irritability, nothing negative. The only negative I could ever see me having from Adderall, and this is only depending on the individual I'm around or people if you will, is how talkative I am. I ramble on in such detail, explain things out in ways that are excessively unnecessary, etc. if the person I'm around doesn't care or is talking to me about whatever it is, then it's great because I come up with so many ideas and such (As you can see the unnecessary details in this post, haha). If it's annoying them, I can control it mostly, but I sometimes ramble here to there if I'm trying not to. Thanks for reading.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Adderall Patient

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