Adhd - To The Old Fashioned Mind. (Top voted first)


When I grew up in the 50's there were some kids that were slow, smart and in the middle. My 18 year old boy has trouble concentrating, and might not get the best grades in the world, but he is active and happy, and takes out all his hyperactivity in sports. Heis very smart and my friends think I am crazy not to put him on Focalin or other ADHD drugs. Well, then he would have to be on drugs the rest of his life because he will never learn how to deal with the way his mind works. I know when he finds something that really interests him, he will use his inner strength to make it work. I would be afraid that giving him a pill to help him focus would be telling him that he wasn't good enough naturally. Are parents, before they turn to drugs, changing the basics and trying new things with diet? Artificial Sweetners are in just about everything now - are parents eliminating these poisons from their child. Do the doctors even mention the association between aspartme and ADHD, brain tumors, MS, etc.?? I completely sympathize with parents that are being told that their child is out of control and are expected to do something about it. We have turned into a society of quick fixes. Education has turned into a filter of potentials and loosers. Can't do well in school ? - you are a looser. Better do everything possible to become a winner, even if it means drugging your kid. Oh, and I have heard parents love the pills because the kids now help them with their housework. Watch out parents, when you get to be a nuisance in your old age, your kids are going to drug you up to shut you up - to keep you immobile and there will be drugs so you don't pee or poo on yourself. I sorry if I sound angry, I just enjoy my boy's mind. I don't want him to be like everyone else. Please, I need to hear the pros and cons. how will he take care of himself in the future if we depend on drugs now???

2 Replies

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I understand your concern, but as someone with ADD asbergers, emotional disturbance I have found that no one understands my mind like I do. I suggest not telling him what the medication will do and letting him try it. I know that after not being told how addictive it is and being confident in science and medicine there is nothing wrong with using it if you need it. Quite frankly I am happy with using it because being gifted with a disorderly mind can make life pretty difficult, and this single pill can change that.

I did enjoy reading your opinion and hope that you can take mine into consideration.

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How old were you when they started giving you those pills? I have 15 year old and they prescribed him 20 mg pills but I'm freaking out because the side effects.

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